Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Installing the ROS Nodes

Appendix B

Installing the ROS Nodes:
You can install the custom ROS Nodes used in this project by following the instructions below.

  1. Install ROS On Your Computer.
  2. Setup ROS In Your '.bashrc' File.
  3. Locate the On-Line Code Resource.
  4. Download the ROS and Google Sources.
  5. Identify the ROS Workspace.
  6. Prepare the Workspace For Inclusion In ROS.
  7. Build the ROS Workspace.

Though programming Google Hangouts can be done on Macintosh or Windows computers, ROS should be used on a Ubuntu Linux computer. In this document we assume that you are using Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS.

  1. A good resource for installation of ROS can be found at the ROS Wiki, at the following URL: http://wiki.ros.org/hydro/Installation/Ubuntu . You should follow these instructions first before trying to install the ROS nodes from this project. For this project we used ROS Hydro. There is also some special software to install for this project. Execute the following code from a terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-rosbridge-server
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install pymongo

  1. Open a terminal window. Add the following line to your '.bashrc' file:

source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash

Next exit the terminal you are in and open a new terminal.

  1. Code for this project is all located at the following URL: https://code.google.com/p/telenp/ . The code is stored in a git repository.

  1. At this time the authors use a directory in their home directory called 'workspace' after the fashion of the Eclipse style workspace. In this directory is placed the git repository. Open a terminal and create an Eclipse style workspace by typing:

$ mkdir workspace
$ cd workspace

and finally to download all tele_np sources, type:

$ git clone https://david.c.liebman@code.google.com/p/telenp/

  1. The repository is divided into two sections, one called 'awesometelenp' -- which is the hangout extension -- and one called 'turtlebot_tele_presence' -- which is the ROS package. When you download the software you get both at once.

  1. You have to let ROS know that you're including your own material in your own development workspace. This is accomplished by adding another line to your '.bashrc' file. If you have been following closely, this is the line:

source ~/workspace/telenp/turtlebot_tele_presence/devel/setup.bash

Another line you should include is:

export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=~/workspace/telenp/turtlebot_tele_presence/:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH;

That makes three lines that are important in the '.bashrc' file. Close the terminal you are in and open another.

  1. Because my home folder is named differently from yours, you need to delete the 'build' and 'devel' folders from the 'turtlebot_tele_presence' folder before you build. The following commands should allow you to build the ROS software:

$ cd ~/workspace/telenp/turtlebot_tele_presence/src/
$ catkin_init_workspace

Then type:

$ cd ..
$ rm -fr build devel

Then type:

$ catkin_make

After that you should exit your terminal and open another. On subsequent builds you should only need to execute the 'rm -fr build devel' and 'catkin_make' .

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